Chemical Processing | Eclipse Magnetics

Magnetic Separation and Detection Systems for Chemical Processing

Our Magnetic Separators and Metal Detectors meet the demanding standards stipulated by chemical companies both in terms of product performance, reliability and quality. Our separation and detection systems are widely in extracting fine ferrous particles from powdered chemicals, pellet chemicals , tablets or pastes.

What our Products Offer the Chemical Industry

  • Premium magnetic separation performance – upto 12,000 Gauss
  • Premium risk-free micron accurate.
  • ATEX certified separators (for potentially explosive locations)
  • Full certification and validation packs
  • Compliance with standards agency guidelines

Key Installation points in Chemical Processing

Our magnetic separators and metal detectors can be used anywhere in the process where a potential contamination risk exists. This could be at raw material intake, purification, preparation, by-product extraction or bulk discharge, typical locations include:

  • Gravity fed chutes
  • Pre & post sifting
  • Bulk tanker discharge
  • Pre and post mixers
  • Vacuum/pneumatically fed lines
  • Sack rip and tip stations
  • Paste mixing
  • Packaged product conveying