Employee Spotlight: Neil Fowler | Eclipse Magnetics

Employee Spotlight: Neil Fowler

At Eclipse Magnetics, our employees are at the centre of our business, and we want to shine a spotlight on the individuals who make our workplace a thriving and dynamic community.

This month, we caught up with Marketing Specialist, Neil Fowler, to find out more about his life both inside and outside of work.­­

Meet the team: Neil Fowler, Marketing Specialist

When did you join Eclipse Magnetics?

I joined Eclipse Magnetics in March 2011 as Marketing Manager.

What did you do before joining Eclipse Magnetics?

Neil Fowler with grandsonBrief career history, I graduated in Business Studies 150 years ago (or it seems like it) and spent a placement year at the Yorkshire Building Society at their Bradford Head Office in their Marketing Department. I joined the imaginatively named Tanks & Drums Ltd. as Marketing Assistant, where I spent 13 years and progressed to Marketing Manager. When they went bust (nothing to do with a dodgy marketing strategy…honestly!) I joined Fenner Drives as Marketing and Customer Services Manager, where I spent 11 years. In a brief flirtation with the public sector, I spent 1 year working as an adviser at the Job Centre before being lured back by the bright lights and glamour of the private sector with Eclipse Magnetics.  

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Neil FowlerI enjoy the fact that every day is different in industrial marketing. The markets, the products, and the science of marketing are constantly evolving, and new challenges arise daily.

Around 2 years ago, the company very kindly allowed me the opportunity to work 2 days a week, which, as I approach my twilight years, has been a fantastic opportunity to balance off work and leisure time. 

As a final point, Eclipse Magnetics is a great company to work for; its’ diversity is often challenging, but it’s innovative and progressive, and on-the-whole, the company supports those who are willing to support it.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Neil Fowler with grandsonIn my younger days, I was a keen cricket and football player. I have continued the zest to stay fit participating in (now very slow) running, cycling, and walking. My competitive sport interest is confined to spectating these days. I am a long-suffering Wakefield Trinity Rugby League season ticket holder, and when the weather and time permit, I watch Yorkshire Cricket. 

I also enjoy spending time with family and friends (funnily enough talking mostly about rugby league and cricket). I also enjoy visiting cities of historical interest—you can’t beat a good museum, castle, or cathedral! 

My extended leisure time was short-lived; it’s now been taken up finding things to keep my 4-year-old grandson amused and acting as taxi driver, DIY expert, gardener, administrator, etc. for my 89-year-old mother.

Tell us a surprising fact that not many people know about you.

Nothing earth-shattering, but as a child/teenager I worked on a farm, looking after 100 pigs, several hens, rabbits, and pigeons—before and after school and weekends (in the days before health and safety had been invented). While my school friends were out doing interesting things, I was up to my ears in pig muck. On a separate note, I have also never missed an episode of Coronation Street in the last 54 years (perhaps a slight exaggeration).

What has been your biggest career highlight so far?Neil Fowler

Bit of a boring, very general answer, but surviving nearly 40 years of work in the roller coaster private sector industry is my overall highlight. I’ve been fortunate to experience many different situations and challenges, travel worldwide, and meet a real mix of people. Overall, I am very thankful that I’ve also been lucky to work for good companies and in good environments.