Celebrate Net Zero Week With Eclipse Magnetics | Eclipse Magnetics

Celebrate Net Zero Week With Eclipse Magnetics

celebrate net zero week with eclipse magneticsAt Eclipse Magnetics, we’re on a journey to Net Zero. We want to achieve Net Zero status for all scopes by 2040. It’s an ambitious target but we’re confident that together, we can achieve it.

We’ve already reduced our emissions by 34% from our baseline calculations, and our emissions are currently 64% lower than the manufacturing sector average, but we know we’ve still got a long way to go.

As we celebrate Net Zero Week, we have taken the opportunity to reflect on our journey so far, as well as looking forward to the future.

Take On The Challenge Of Plastic Free July

Plastic production and disposal emits around 3% of global emissions. This month, we’re challenging our employees and customers to take on the challenge of Plastic Free July by reducing their consumption of single use plastic throughout the month. This will help us all to create sustainable habits both at work and at home.

Every employee has been given a personalised reusable metal water bottle, as well as a reusable shopping bag.

We’ll also be sending out weekly tips through our Intranet and social media channels, supporting both employees and customers alike through their Plastic Free July challenge.

Watch Our Net Zero Video

To mark the beginning of Net Zero Week, we've put together a video that explains our journey to Net Zero, featuring 24 of our employees from across the business.

We're making great progress in reducing our emissions and becoming a more sustainable business, but we know there's still a long way to go and we are committed to the journey.

By working together to achieve Net Zero, we believe that we can secure a more sustainable future for our planet.

Moving To Sustainable Packaging

Our journey to Net Zero has involved re-evaluating our packaging, ensuring that we’re using sustainable materials wherever possible. This means transitioning our existing plastic packaging into recycled and recyclable cardboard designs. We have a goal of removing one million pieces of single use plastic from our supply chain by 2025. 

This will help to reduce our plastic consumption, solving the problem of packaging waste going into landfill,  whilst also supporting our customers on their own Net Zero journeys.

Reducing Our Business Travel Emissions

Since 2019, we have reduced our business travel by 75% by holding meetings over Teams rather than in person wherever possible. Our new Business Travel policy reinforces this commitment.

Our Travel Request Forms have been amended to include emissions data questions, enabling us to accurately measure carbon footprint data and make more sustainable travel decisions. 

Encouraging Sustainable Commuting

We are in the process of replacing our company car fleet with electric vehicles, with over 50% of our company cars now fully electric. Electric charging points have been installed at our head office, with all energy coming from green sources.

We’re also proactively surveying our employees to find out how and how often they commute to work. Last year, 24% of commuted miles were in hybrid or electric vehicles and we are aiming to improve this further this year. Many of our employees also work on a hybrid basis, reducing the frequency of commutes.

Getting Our Suppliers On Board

We are asking our suppliers to declare their greenhouse gas emissions and set Science Based Target Initiative aligned targets. We also have created a Net Zero procurement policy to ensure that we are making environmentally-conscious purchasing decisions, as well as engaging with our existing suppliers.

For example, we have recently switched to a Carbon Balanced print supplier, who are endorsed by the World Land Trust. This will help us to reduce our net emissions.

Reducing Our Paper Usage

We are currently working on a paper reduction project, with the aim of reducing the amount of paper we consume for printing.

Improvements to date have been achieved by digitization, including digital pay slips, and redesign of the layout of any docs that do need printing so that fewer page are printed. All waste paper is recycled.

We receive quarterly updates on our paper usage from our printer supplier. This enables us to continually monitor our paper usage and our progress against our targets.

We’re also in the process of switching to use only recyclable paper for our printers. This will help us to further reduce our environmental impact.

Join Us In Celebrating Net Zero Week

This Net Zero Week, we invite you to join us in celebrating the progress we’ve made so far in our sustainability journey. However, there’s still a long way to go and we remain committed to continuing the progress that we have made.

We encourage all businesses to join us on the journey to Net Zero, taking your own steps to reduce your environmental impact. Together, we can build a better world for future generations.

Read more about our journey to Net Zero here